by Raising Relatives | Jul 15, 2024 | Healing from Trauma/Neglect/Abuse
The Tween and Teen Brain Is Growing Rapidly! During adolescence, your young loved one is experiencing tremendous growth and change in their body and brain. Did you know that in the tween and teen years, the brain focuses on creating connections between its different...
by Raising Relatives | Jul 15, 2024 | Healing from Trauma/Neglect/Abuse
The children who join your home because they cannot safely be raised by their parents, may have challenging behaviors that make it hard for you to feel connected to them. They might not feel like they can trust anyone right now, and that’s scary for kids of any...
by Raising Relatives | Jul 15, 2024 | Healing from Trauma/Neglect/Abuse
Your grandchild (or cousin or nephew) has likely had some challenging experiences before coming to your home. Your safe, steady presence and firm, loving boundaries are helpful, but you sense that this child needs more help than you alone can give. It’s common for...
by Raising Relatives | Jul 12, 2024 | Healing from Trauma/Neglect/Abuse
Improving Your Family’s Communication is an Investment How we communicate with our family powerfully affects how we feel about ourselves. Before your grandchild (or niece or cousin) came to you, they probably witnessed unhealthy communication patterns. It’s...
by Raising Relatives | Jul 12, 2024 | Healing from Trauma/Neglect/Abuse
When you are helping to raise a child from your family or tribal community, it will help you to learn about the impact of trauma on a child’s developing brain. What you learn might feel overwhelming and troubling when you think about the precious child you have...
by Raising Relatives | Jun 28, 2024 | Articles, Healing from Trauma/Neglect/Abuse
Isolation is one of the most significant risk factors today’s teens face. Even though young adults are more “connected” than ever, thanks to their phones and iPads, they also report record levels of loneliness. They often need solid in-person connections to sustain...