by Raising Relatives | Jul 15, 2024 | Healing from Trauma/Neglect/Abuse
When you are parenting a relative’s child, the process of building a healthy attachment might be more challenging than you expected it to be. Their history of chaos, loss, or trauma can leave them unable or unwilling to trust. However, creating a healthy attachment...
by Raising Relatives | Jul 15, 2024 | Healing from Trauma/Neglect/Abuse
When you welcome a group of siblings into your home after they have been removed from their birth family, one frequently takes on the role of substitute parent. The oldest child, typically the eldest girl, feels responsible for her younger siblings’ well-being....
by Raising Relatives | Jul 15, 2024 | Healing from Trauma/Neglect/Abuse
When raising a loved one who experienced loss, chaos, or prenatal substance exposure, you see first-hand how they struggle to manage their reactions to daily frustrations or disappointments. Their short fuse creates stress and anxiety in your home. You’ve wondered how...
by Raising Relatives | Jul 15, 2024 | Healing from Trauma/Neglect/Abuse
The Tween and Teen Brain Is Growing Rapidly! During adolescence, your young loved one is experiencing tremendous growth and change in their body and brain. Did you know that in the tween and teen years, the brain focuses on creating connections between its different...
by Raising Relatives | Jul 15, 2024 | Healing from Trauma/Neglect/Abuse
The children who join your home because they cannot safely be raised by their parents, may have challenging behaviors that make it hard for you to feel connected to them. They might not feel like they can trust anyone right now, and that’s scary for kids of any...