
Fun Traditions to Build Connection in Your Family

When raising kids who have experienced loss, chaos, or neglect, it's easy to get lost in the responsibility of helping them heal. Structure, routine, and predictability are essential to creating a foundation for that healing. But sometimes, we forget that good...

Simple Habits to Help You Take Care of Yourself

This time of year, many grandparents and relative caregivers are heaving huge sighs of relief that kids are back in school. It's beneficial to have the structure of the school routine to guide a child's day. And the break for caregivers is physical, mental, and...

Is My Grandchild Too Affectionate with Strangers?

Many young children feel free and safe to approach strangers with smiles and waves. They have not yet processed the "stranger danger" conversations that parents and caregivers will dole out over the coming years. They are curious, innocent, and trusting. But what do...

Healing from Trauma/Neglect/Abuse

Tips to Help You Feed a Picky Eater

Tips to Help You Feed a Picky Eater

Caring for a child who has experienced loss, chaos, or neglect can be challenging. When that child’s trauma shows up in extremely picky eating, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and stressed. It’s important to remember that food issues are just as stressful for the kids...

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Impacts of Prenatal Exposure to Alcohol and Drugs

Challenging Behaviors

4 Ideas for Handling Challenging Behaviors

4 Ideas for Handling Challenging Behaviors

Trauma, abuse, loss, and grief all create a sense of instability or insecurity in children of any age. When a relative’s child comes to your home, you may notice several behaviors, like talking back, temper tantrums, or whining. It’s understandable that they are...

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Tips for Raising a Child with Attention Issues

Tips for Raising a Child with Attention Issues

Some kids are simply more easily distracted than others. They have trouble focusing in school and at home. They may have a diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) or not, but you know that keeping their attention is a challenge. There are some dos...

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Disrupting Birth Order

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Helping A Child Heal from Sexual Abuse

3 Ways to Help a Child Heal from Sexual Abuse

3 Ways to Help a Child Heal from Sexual Abuse

It is painful to consider that your grandchild (niece, cousin, or friend) was sexually abused. You might fear the path ahead and worry if they will ever overcome the pain and stigma of the abuse. The good news is that kids can and do heal from this type of abuse if...

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School Issues for Foster & Kinship Kids

A Quick Checklist to Prepare for Back-to-School

A Quick Checklist to Prepare for Back-to-School

It seems almost too soon to mention the “s-c-h-o-o-l" word. Still, quicker than you can imagine, your grandchild will be figuring out who is in their homeroom and talking about packing school supplies. When raising a loved one's child, it's good to consider what else...

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Technology/Internet and Our Kids

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Self-Care for Kinship and Foster Parents

Healthy Habits of Self-Care to Build Resilience

Healthy Habits of Self-Care to Build Resilience

When raising a loved one's child, it's easy to lose yourself in this child's needs and forget to care well for yourself. You get focused on helping your grandchild succeed in school. You move things around your calendar to ensure they continue with sports or therapy....

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Self-Care Is Not Selfish

Self-Care Is Not Selfish

Welcoming a loved one’s child into our homes is a gracious and hospitable act of support and care for their struggling family. However, we often forget that raising someone else’s child – even one related to you – can take an added toll on our hearts, minds, and...

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Relationship with Child’s Parent

Working Together For the Good of the Child In Your Care

This website was supported with funding from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families’ Children’s Bureau through the Improving Child Welfare Through Investing in Family grant #HHS-2021-ACF-ACYF-CW-1921. The purpose of this grant is to provide an array of kinship preparation services and ongoing kinship supports, and provide shared parenting to build trusting relationships between all out-of-home caregivers and parents of children/youth in foster care to ensure parents and families remain actively involved in normal child-rearing activities.